Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hey guys,

I'm pretty sure you already know this but if you dont well.....

I'm Home :D

I actually came back on sunday morning. Just didnt really have the time to blog. So I went to school to see everyone on Monday. It was pretty weird. Not being a part of that school anymore. I guess I didnt really realise that fact till now but I guess moving on is just a part of life right? Anyway, they all said I had an Aussie accent but i obviously lost that after 4 days. Haha. Thats actually really quick. I guess it was never actually gone. Went to see the drama competition on tuesday. PS - Good job mae, pei, mun ching... ( there are many more but i really cant be bothered to type it all down now ) Anyways, CONGRATS!!! It was really good. :D On wednesday, OMG OMG OMG I saw Prita after 13987298648920918680436178065784361430 years. Ok fine, I'm exagerating but Omg seriously I have not seen her in a long time. It was really good to see you babe. Missed you loads. Went to Sunway with Rina, Prita and Chun quan that day. Watched the Fast and the Furious 4. I would rate it....... 6/10. I guess im just not the type of person who's into all this bash boom car things.

We had lunch at TGIF and prita and I decided to get Rina a cake. It was really funny, the people in TGIF made her stand on the chair (you know you enjoyed it Rina ) :). Oh Rina slept over the night before and she did some retty random stuf and I recorded it. It's HILARIOUS :D. Seriously you'll laugh you ass off.

Im pretty excited about term 2. I dont actually know why. I actually miss my friends in Aussie. I know i've only known them for 2 months but it seems like forever. I guess you become closer to your friends when you're far from family and your friends are like your family.

So on the overal, Iwould say that I had an AMAZING first term. Made a few friends that are nice and had loads of fun playing tennis under the hot sun, in the rain with cold winds or in any condition really. Met a few people there from other schools and they're really nice. Boarding school is fun :D honestly, it's different from what people think. Starting over, being in a new country and knowing no oneat first is difficult, I agree with that but once you get used to it, and start making friends, it gets fun.

So well, here are some random pics of rina and I from yesterday when she stayed over

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